
Showing posts from January, 2009

How To Get To Your WHEN... Luke 22:31-32

I pray that everyone who stood today to proclaim what thus saith the Lord was as blessed as we were at Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church where we are "A Connected Church For A Community In Chaos"! Today our congregation shared in a worship service that will go down in the history book of our church as the launch of what I will call "College Sunday". Under the direction or our Senior Pastor, Reverend Ray E. Owens, every fourth Sunday our church family will share worship with the University of Notre Dame "Voices of Faith". VOP is a gospel choir comprised of N.D. students from across the country. This day appeared to be a blessing for all involved... God led me to share from Luke 22:31-32 (the context runs through verse 34...but there was much meat to pick in the first two verses). God showed me that one of the issues with the Body being successful is that many of us don't get to our WHEN... Yea, I said the adverb when. This little word shows us that th...

Protection from Deception 3John 1:11

Didn ’t Want to Preach This Text I pray that every Pastor, Preacher and Teacher who stood to proclaim what thus saidth the Lord was obedient and yielding to the Spirit as I was forced to be. Everyone Has A Comfort Zone Personally I am not a last minute, Saturday sermon or “Saturday Sermon Special” kind of preacher. God usually allows me to know days or weeks in advance what Text I am suppose to minister on any given Sunday. I had known for weeks I would be sharing with the New Covenant Baptist Church family in South Bend, Indiana, yet God still hadn ’t spoken to me about what to share. Totally bothered by this unusual week of meditation I called my Pastor to complain about how God was treating me. Tuesday passed and still no Scripture. Wednesday and Thursday came and I had nothing. Friday, I called Pastor Owens again and asked if I was supposed to “warm-up some soup?” (Hey, I’ ve been preaching, teaching and pastoring for well over a decade – I have a file of messages – but I’d been...

Family Matters

It was almost a week ago today that I was apart of a Memorial Service for one of my younger cousins Jason Love Stewart. Jason was only 31 years old. Yea, another black male shot down in his early years. When I really think about it I couldn't find peace in this situation. Here is my problem – just a couple of months ago I had the privilege of preaching the morning service at New Salem Missionary Baptist Church – celebrating the “1 st Year Anniversary of Pastor Matthew Adams.” Now, I considered that an honor because in 2008 Pastor Adams taught and preached from his assigned pulpit every Sunday morning, except maybe two or three times. Jason Was Saved! On this particular Sunday the Spirit was high and Adams prayer in the Pastor’s Study loosed me to freely share with New Salem. As a result two young men came and gave their lives to Christ. One of those who came was Jason. Before Christmas Pastor Adams baptized Jason. Jason was committed to serving in minist...


The Emotions From Today's Worship As I sat in service this morning, I gained a larger appreciation for what God is doing at Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church. More so for how He has blessed our congregation with an outstanding young leader who has elderly wisdom. Pastor Ray Eugene Owens , is an example of focused determination, Christ-like confidence and a true expression of desire to "help somebody." (Plus this brother can flat-out Preach!) Don't get me wrong I have had some great men of ministy in my life: Pastor Anthony R. Pettus, Sr. - Pastor Greater Progressive MBC- Ft. Wayne, IN - My Spiritual Father who taught me the importance of dedicated study habits, pulpit edicate, servent leadership and to always strive to improve my God given abilities. Pastor Ricardo Taylor - Pastor Mt. Carmel MBC - South Bend, IN who encouraged me to go beyond preaching and teaching - but to not be afraid to sing songs of Zion in public . Bishop Donald L. Alford, Sr. - Pastor Pent...

New Year's Restoration Ezekiel 36:26

My brothers and sisters as we have come to the beginning of a new year many of us have made New Year's Resolutions. But, how many of us have come to the resolve to let God restore us? Year after year we make decision to make change in our lives, to undo that which we did wrong, pledging to live right, eat right, act right, only to find that we're not strong enough to accomplish that which we are confident we can do in our own power. Yea, we make definate decisions to divorce our past and marry our future - forsaking the sins of the past planning to live united to the today and tomorrows that God has planned for us. Well this year how about letting God give you a New Year's Restoration as opposed to trying the same old human resolutions. In our text today Ezekiel was a Prophet who not only spoke to the folk living in his time, he provided hope for us future folk. Hope for those of us who are called by God's name, but some how have gotten caught up with the heathens of ou...