How To Get To Your WHEN... Luke 22:31-32
I pray that everyone who stood today to proclaim what thus saith the Lord was as blessed as we were at Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church where we are "A Connected Church For A Community In Chaos"! Today our congregation shared in a worship service that will go down in the history book of our church as the launch of what I will call "College Sunday". Under the direction or our Senior Pastor, Reverend Ray E. Owens, every fourth Sunday our church family will share worship with the University of Notre Dame "Voices of Faith". VOP is a gospel choir comprised of N.D. students from across the country. This day appeared to be a blessing for all involved... God led me to share from Luke 22:31-32 (the context runs through verse 34...but there was much meat to pick in the first two verses). God showed me that one of the issues with the Body being successful is that many of us don't get to our WHEN... Yea, I said the adverb when. This little word shows us that th...