Sharing My Faith. . .

The following is a list of concepts principles that I consider worthy of application to my personal approach to sharing my faith with: family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, class mates, couples and strangers:

Lead by example
I have some family members who knew me when I was not saved or living saved and many of the ones I am called to reach have watched me transition and some are still waiting for me backslide. I have to continue to develop my walk, keep the correct Christian attitude and behavior through the good-times and the bad. “I can’t just talk about it, I have to be about it’ – or in other words my love for God and desire for others to be saved has to be seen and shared.

Can’t Postpone
When it comes to sharing with my friends I can’t wait till the ideal moment to share or be consumed with what they could use as an argument against what God gives me to do. I have to look for and create opportunities to share. I have to remember the Word and my responsibility to share the Word in season and out of season because the use of it is always good.

Connect the Dots and Combine My Gifts
When it comes to reaching out to those I am developing with I have to be honest about where I am, my abilities and limits then learn of theirs find where we can assist each other then collectively use our gifts to change the world as well as remember that “iron sharpens iron”. This will increase the effectiveness of the mission of the Great Commission.

Buddy Up
Make sure my wife and I are growing together. Share with her the challenges I am experiencing. Do all I can to insure my growth and my wife’s Spiritual growth is developing daily - then demonstrate the strength and importance of couples working, worshipping and witnessing together – building each other and strong families. I believe couples working with couples are excellent examples for each other and communities.

Build Relationships & Share My Life
With those I have opportunity to do life with I must find common interest, care to know their lives from challenge to victory, concerns to passions, needs to wants. Once I listen I must be open and honest about who I’ve been, who I have become and where I see God leading my life.
Do life where I live with those who I live with and around
I have to get to know my hood and learn to use my personality and developing life in concert with those in my neighborhood as we work to improve our community and evangelize as through servant evangelism.

Be the Me God Made Me to Be
No matter where I am I have opportunity to share my life I shouldn’t hide what I do, I need to strike up conversations with strangers, find topics of common interest and discover points of need for prayer in the lives of those new acquaintances, I can even pray for strength to spot opportunities to reach strangers I’m around.

We are called to share the Good News and insure that everyone has the chance to receive the Grace and Mercy that God offers all through His Son Jesus Christ.

What's Your Plan For Sharing Your Faith?


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